Friday, September 26, 2008

A book you'll actually read

I stumbled upon these books because Amazon recommended them to me. I'm a little surprised I didn't hear about them sooner because Mark Driscoll is one of my favorite authors and preachers. I'm glad I found them though. The books are marketed as books you'll actually read because of their brevity.

I read the one titled "On who is God". It was brief, 82 pages I think but it was good. Part of it was excerpts from the other book I'm reading Vintage Jesus but it has enough original content to make it worth the purchase.

Great book overall. There are a few quotes in it that I'll highlight in another post.

Right now on Amazon the books qualify for a buy 3 get 1 free deal so you can get all 4 for $30 (free shipping).

ABYAR Website

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