Thursday, August 14, 2008

Confessions of free spirit

I thought I should give a little plug for my friend Kristin Garrett. While I'm jealous of her that she has a book published before I do I'm also very proud of her and want to let you know about her book.

Here is the link to the publisher and also where you can buy the book online Confessions of a Free Spirit.

"In Confessions of a Free Spirit: A Girl’s Guide to Finding Herself in an Image-Obsessed Culture, Kristin Garrett tells sincerely of her experience as a self-declared free spirit trying to find her place as a Christian and as her own person in a society that makes girls feel like they must fit a certain type to be worth knowing and loving. Garrett discusses pertinent issues to middle- and high-school girls, speaking honestly about self-confidence, the media, guys, and community. Perhaps most importantly, she moves away from legalism and formulaic answers in favor of the importance of the presence and movement of the Holy Spirit through surrender. Through her unique writing style, she addresses her reader personally, like an older sister or good friend, scattering journal entries throughout and connecting closely with the reader. Teenage girls will connect emotionally and practically with the experiences and insights in Confessions of a Free Spirit, and in doing so, they will come to see themselves and their relationships with Christ as beautiful, active, and healing. "

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