Thursday, December 02, 2004


I've been reading a ton of books lately. It's not incredibly unusual for me to be reading but the number of books has been quite alarming.

Searching for God knows what; Don Miller: it wasn't the life changing book that blue like jazz was but it was an excellent part two. I love anything that comes out by this guy and I can't wait till he puts something else out. My wife says that if he were the leader of a cult I'd join. I argue with her that not only would I join I'd be his head disciple. I value his honesty, his struggles and his willingness to admit he doesn't have it all figured out.

Messy Spirituality; Mike Yaconelli: Written by the late great Yaconelli. I hear this guy was incredible. I never had the chance to meet him but I know I would have liked him. Again a man willing to admit that the walk with Christ is not easy and full more of questions than answers. It was interesting because I heard God telling me to read this book before I preached last sunday. My text was from John 4 and the samaritan woman. I picked up this book and suddenly he's talking about John 4 and teh samaritan woman, God is good like that.

Making sense of church; Spencer Burke: Burke is the founder of I have to admit that when I found out theooze was church of christ I quit going to it. There was a time when I loved the website but when I found out his affiliation I bailed. What can I say...I was young and arrogant. After reading this book I wished I would have stuck around. Basically it's a hard look at the emergent church and how church must adapt to the culture. Using post from the forums on theooze he touches on topics like leadership, mission, worship, and several others. I like the story he gives at the end. The moral; either get on board with where church is going or get off the cart. There is no shame in getting off the cart but don't be responsible for holding church away from culture.

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