Saturday, April 28, 2007

Toby Mac: Heather really likes Toby Mac and a month or so ago she was asking me about his concerts and seeing if he would be in the area anytime soon. So I found the information bought the tickets and last night was the concert.

Family Force 5
Building 429
Thousand Foot Crutch
Toby Mac and the Diverse City Band

After the concert I've decided to go into the rap business. I should be recording my first album here in the next month or so. I'm guessing it's going to go huge.

I also really enjoyed how music was their passion. They didn't make music to pay the bills, they did it because they loved it and loved performing. I had the feeling that every band would make music whether people bought their tickets or not. It really motivated me to think about The Bridge, all the stuff that can really weigh on me and ask some good questions. Truth is I love the church (universal) and I would do this (encourage people in their relationship with God) whether I was paid for it or not. So I need to give my all to it, the hardest part to give is my emotions.

1 comment:

Mike said...

family force 5 give a show like nothing i've ever experienced, esp. with the random guy that dances around throwing the guitars