Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Rocky: This is a joke right? 20 years after the last good Rocky movie Sly decided to come out with a new movie. I don't blame Stallone, he had a bad steroid habit that he can't support unless he returns to the glory days of Rocky the meat-headed heavy weight champ.

Don't get me wrong though. Rock in his glory days was great. Remember him getting the tar beat out of him by Clubber Lang (Mr. T)? He got beat because he was apothetic. Remember when Ivan Drago killed Apollo Creed and Rock went to Russia to beat the commie on his own turf. Proving once and for all that democracy is better than communism. The Rocky films were good, until the 5th and now this...the first level of hell?

What the funniest thing I've seen leading up to this is Stallone at the Philadelphia Eagles monday night game a few weeks back. He walked onto the field and people started cheering "Rocky, Rocky," they know he's fictional right?

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