Thursday, December 07, 2006

Time: I've been really having a hard time with my time. I'm not wasting it but I find myself putting too much time into things that aren't that important and not enough into things I really want to be investing in. So to help myself I've set up a schedule putting priority on things that are important and leaving the secondary issuses secondary. Hopefully this will help.

It's your ship by Michael Abrashoff- A formal Naval officer and commander of the ship USS Benfold. He spent 2 years captaining this crew and it became one of the best ships in the the Navy. Scores from this ship broke all kinds of records that still hold today and this ship was the go to ship in the Persian Gulf in the late 90's. He did this by bringing out the best in his crew. He broke all sorts of Navy protocol by listening to his crew, no matter their rank, and managing people how he wanted to be treated.

This is a great book on management focusing on people and results with interesting stories mixed in.

Books: I wish I would have tracked how many books I've read this year. My guess would be 30. Next year my goal is going to be 52 books- one book for every week.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

I've been using the following site to track goals and also to log certain things (like what I eat each day, and what I do specifically when I work out). Its pretty simple, but seems to work well. It might be a good way to track time or how many books you read next year.