Thursday, June 10, 2004

Service in the church

James 3:1 Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we shall incur a stricter judgment.

I have actually heard people, friends use this verse to decline a teaching position that they were positive they were called to by God. I wondered if they figured they would get a less strict judgement by declining than leading people astray.

I've been thinking about the lack of service and volunteers that plagues churches, not all churches but far to many. Then I think of the song "Thank you for giving to the Lord" While it is a pretty cheesy song it has a good message, but it's awfully feel good. I'd like to hear the dark side version. About a person that is a believer and bound for heaven but as his judgement God sends him to hell for a few minutes. That person walks through hell and hears the screams of those he refused to serve. Then he encounters a few people he could have helped, a few people that wanted him to be their teacher, or spiritual mentor, or accountability partner and instead he declined them. Because of this rejection they turned their back on God never to believe and confess (Romans 10:9).

Maybe if we sung songs like that in church we wouldn't have to scramble to fill leadership positions but I don't think God works via guilt. Only conviction.

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