Thursday, September 15, 2005

Commentary: I am finding that when you are leaving a current ministry position people like to ask questions. Which is fine. What really causes people to ask questions is when your current ministry is going just fine, there is no internal conflict, there is no pushing, shoving or running me out the door. I am leaving on my own free will and people have a hard time understanding that.

Where are you moving? Suffolk, VA

Are you going to be a sr. pastor or a youth pastor? Neither, I’m going to be a church planter-I’m going to start a church.

How many people are in the church? None

*confused look*

Well I guess this happens every few years either the church or the denomination moves people to new ministries. No one forced this on us, it is merely what we know God is calling us to do.

*doubtful look*

So when will you buy a building? Years down the road

What will you do till then? Good question, we’ll be developing a core group, starting with people we meet a few from the Portsmouth church then we’ll develop a bible study from there.

That’s it? Yep that’s it *confused look on my face*

Passion: So I am finally moving towards pursuing this new passion in my life. When people ask me why it’s actually very easy to answer. 85% of churches in America are plateaued or declining (Gene Wood) – The church in North America is on life support, it is living off of the work, money and energy of previous generations (Reggie McNeal). I know those not just as random facts to validate my passion but as truth, all I need to do.

Born-Agains by Generation-
Busters (1965-1976) 15 percent claim to be born again
Bridgers (1976-1994) 4 percent claim to be born again

New churches are best suited to reach new generations…and that’s what I want to do…that what I’m called to do.


Todd Porter said...


i admire you! bold step and i know you will do great. i think we need more churches that are doing what you are p;anning on doing. my prayers are with you!


James said...


Very exciting Nick - I'll pray -



Todd said...

God led me to your blog today, and no, I'm neither joking nor trying to be super-spiritual.

I love youth ministry, but I'm LIKING youth ministry less and less. More than that, I'm feeling more and more of a calling to plant a church. My wife is, as well.

We've started a small group of young couples/singles in our home. It was meant only to be a new ministry venture from our church, not to become a new church. But I can't help but wonder if this is part of God's preparation for me. The truth is, I'm scared to death, because I feel completely incompetent to be a church planter, and yet I feel more strongly everyday that God is leading that way.

Can't wait to see what God does with you...take care.