Saturday, May 20, 2006

Instrument: Tonight I spoke at our district's annual youth retreat. I have been to this retreat 5 times now, 4 as a youth pastor and this year as one of the keynote speakers. I asked our prayer teams to pray for this night for sometime and I asked our church to pray. As Heather and I were talking this afternoon I had such a peace but a peace that was one of power. God was telling me he was going to use me mightily in the student's lives. I wasn't worred about it I was trying I didn't feel like I needed to perform. Basically I felt God say- Nick you are going to be my instrument tonight. As I was experiencing all of this Heather said -Nick I know God is going to use you tonight in an amazing way.

We talked for a while in exciting anticipation of what God was going to do. The night came and I have never been so at peace and comfortable. I wish I could explain it in words but I don't believe I can. It was honestly the feeling an instrument would get if it got feelings. Tonight I was the instrument that made beautiful music and the power was literally the breath of God. This sounds bad but I didn't care. I didn't care if one kid was impacted because I was the instrument of God. It was amazing, possibly one of the most amazing experiences as a public speaker. It wasn't about me, not about me at all!

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