Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Can I tell you something?: This Sunday we tried something new after church. Instead of a typical annual meeting we did an event called Bridge 360. Which as the name describes is a 360 view of the church. We looked back to 2007 and forward to 2008.

The first amazing thing of B360 is that we had nearly 100% participation. I believe there was only 1 person that couldn't make it that is a member or regular attender of The Bridge. There was an excitement in the air after an excellent worship service and them moving into B360 right after that was just perfect. As the pastor I was able to clearly share the vision I have of our church and well as the individuals in the church. I was very very honest about our current situation and where we need to be in the next few months. I asked everyone to take responsibility for their own spiritual growth while BJ, our worship leader, and I, do our very best to create a worship experience that challenges them and takes them deeper.

I told them The Bridge Church exists to equip you to have a thriving relationship with Jesus Christ. Thriving is growing, challenging and reaching.

We also talked about money and we talked about our weekly and monthly bottom line that we need to begin reaching. I gave the facts and then we prayed about our situation. I've given everyone pledge cards and asked each family pray that God would make clear to them what they are to pledge to give to God through The Bridge in 2008. We will collect these cards Sunday January 21 and I'll blog then about the amazing way God has provided.

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