Friday, March 02, 2007

Caffeine: Because I was sick a few days I wasn't drinking any coffee so of course going from 4 cups a day to 0 can bring on quite the caffeine headache. I've been wanting to stop drinking so much caffeine for a while now but didn't want to have to endure the headache. But I was so tired of having to wake up and literally not being able to think straight until I had the wonderful cup of coffee.

So I figured I'd push through and alas this morning I woke up with no caffeine headache. I have exorcised the demon! So I have a new favorite drink at the bucks. The shaken iced passion tea. Yes that sounds like a woman's drink doesn't it.

Court: While at the court house today taking care of some stuff, like getting approved to perform marriage ceremonies, the lady told me that she would get me a conceal carry permit for me. It will be legal but knowing her will make it go through faster, she even told me that my hunter's safety course will work for my training class I'm supposed to have. So watch out Virginia I'm getting my conceal and carry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good on ya for kicking the caffeinne...although I'm not sure that getting a "conceal and carry" while trying to kick an addiction is teh smartest idea. lol