Saturday, March 10, 2007

Under the Overpass by Mike Yankoski. The story of two christian college guys that decided to learn what it was like to live among America's homeless. They did so for 5 months in 2003. They picked several american cities to be homeless and literally lived with no home. They had no cell phones, no debit cards, literally just living off what they earned from playing their guitars.

I knew this would be a fun read and one that I would go through quickly. It's a great story and very eye opening to me to be more interested in helping out with the homeless. The main idea is to treat them like people, give them respect and help out in appropriate ways.

Book 11 of 52

Up next is a- What Jesus demans from the world by John Piper. I'm looking forward to it and while this may be an abomination to admit...I've never read Piper before.

1 comment:

Jason Mitchell said...

I swear I just read my first Piper book. My dad couldn't believe that. I honestly haven't really heard of him until it was a required reading for my last class.