Thursday, February 16, 2006

Baby: My friend Jason will soon have or might already have a new baby girl. Last I heard things were progressing nicely with the delivery. My son Nathan is almost a year old (March 3) and hearing about Jason and Jenny having a baby brings back all the great memories and causes me to want to celebrate new life. It really is such a beautiful experience to see new life come into the world. If you've ever seen a delivery you will understand I'm talking about poetic beautiful. It is amazing to ponder on the idea of how God created us to create and to be creative.

Doing: What in the world have I been doing all week? I feel like the only thing I've been doing all week is working on my blasted newsletter, that's not true but certainly what it feels like. This newsletter serves as the main source of income for The Bridge Church while we are in our incubation stage so I see the value of it. I also want to do the best job that I can while making it but do get a little frustrated about the length of the process. I'm going to actively seek ways to make my life easier between this months newsletter and next months newsletter.

I don't have our website active yet or I'd post a link to the pdf of the newsletter. I guess I could post it here as a picture...maybe later.

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