Monday, April 17, 2006

Words: I posted a quote from Augustine probably about a year ago and after looking for it for the last 10 minutes I've given up. "Quitter!" (edit: I found the quote...seems it's from a' Kempis not Augustine)

Although we cannot always preserve our recollection, yet we must do so from time to time, and at least once a day, either in the morning or in the evening. In the morning form your intention, and at night examine your conduct, what you have done, said, and thought during the day, for in each of these you may have often offended both God and your neighbor. -Thomas 'a Kempis

The quote spoke of waking up and setting your resolved to follow God and strive for holiness. I really enjoy the thought and so I can honestly say not a day goes by that I don't stand in the shower and announce to myself my resolve to follow God today with all of my heart, in this I also resolve to be a good husband, father, friend and pastor. The amazing this is that it is often during this time that God speaks back to me. This morning I was reminded of a Bible verse that and old aquaintance from college asked me about a few months back.

Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat it's fruit.

Being completely honest I don't even know what the second part means but the first part is pretty clear. My words- that I speak to others have the power of either life or death which I choose to give is up to me. I want my words to bring life. So I read the rest of the chapter and really gleaned much from some of the proverbs. My favorite was:

Proverbs 18:6 A fool's lips bring him strife, and his mouth invites a beating.

Bonds: I am NOT a fan of Barry Bonds whatsoever, 0% emphatically against all that he has done, stands for and how he has tainted baseball. He is the epitomy of all that is wrong with professional sports and for this reason I delight is his misery- I am a horrible person.

I believe that Bonds has set up for himself this attitude. People don't feel like they owe him anything because he has never felt he owed anyone anything. He has played baseball for him and to get his. Well it looks like he’s finally getting what he’s worked so hard for…emptiness.

There is part of me that feels bad for him. And to be completely honest this part of me that has sympathy is growing every day. I do feel bad for him because when I see him I see a shell of a man both literally and figuratively.

1 comment:

EYouthWNY said...

I share your feelings about Bonds. I divide it thusly:

For Barry the player - no empathy, nothing but disgust. I'm a lifelong Pirates fan and Barry broke our hearts BEFORE the drugs by being a selfish, immature player.

For Barry the man - I do feel sorry for him. Even though he's brought this on himself I don't like seeing anyone suffer this way.

So I try to pray for Barry, pray for his healing and that he never passes either Ruth or Aaron. I know, I'm pretty horrible too.