Friday, March 28, 2008

Prayer 101 Experiencing the Heart of God by Warren W. Wiersbe. Since my new addiction to FPU I cut out my book budget. So this week I wandered down to the library after my run to see what they had that I could read. I found this book by Wiersbe and figured it might be worth a read.

It was the best book I've read on prayer. He has a great writing style that is casual, blunt and yet theologically informative. He was willing to address some hard questions about unanswered prayers, why we should pray, if our prayers change the will of God and other stuff like that.

I took lots of notes and look forward to using this as a resource for my new message series to start on April 6th on prayer. I was telling Heather the other day that I have never been more excited for a message series. I know God is going to use this series to change lives and I look forward to being one of the vessels he uses to do this. I will be well prepared for this message series. I ordered two books on prayer and one of them came in today. I've been studying the scriptures about prayer, man I'm excited!

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