Thursday, November 11, 2004


This information from Lord of the Slums by Scott Bessenecker:

Slums are marked by crowded conditions, makeshift housing, questionable sanitation, unbelievable unemployment rates, desperate poverty, and despair. Slums are typically built around trash heaps outside cites. 80% of the trash dumped in these is reused as materials to build with and food to eat. People are eating trash.

1 Billion People live in slums around the world. To put that in perspective the United States population is approximately 250 million, so 4 times our nations population live off of trash.

50 years ago slums did not exist. So all of our technology, industralization, and advancement has not helped those in poverty...dare we even claim it has put them there?

They are smart people to know how to live off of trash and they must be creative. They are just poor, not on their own voalition but because of other reasons.

Jesus tells us to help these. Why was Sodom destroyed...first because of their unwillingness to help the poor...then their immorality. Ezekiel 16:49-50

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