Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year: We spent the New Year at our house with friends (some of the best friends we could ask for!). We watched the Bears game, played some games...of which the ladies got completely destroyed in battle of the sexes. After Kristy reads this she's going to make some comment attacking my masculinity but that's simply because she's upset that she lost. It was simple, small and a great night.

2007: I'm setting a couple of goals for 2007. Brandon keeps asking me what my goals are for 07 and I keep giving him a dumb look. So at his prompting here are a few of my goals.

To read 52 books
To lose 52 lbs
To meet 520 new people this year
and see 52 of them come to a Bridge worship service

I would also like to be intentional about reading through the Bible

As a church we will strive to see 52 people make a decision to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ.
(invest and invite)

1 comment:

Kristy said...

This is what I'm saying - winning at the Battle of the Sexes means that that you guys are more feminine than we are masculine.

You may be comfortable with that, and that's okay - I know I am.