Thursday, June 22, 2006

Honesty: We were talking at Stabucks last night for our Wednesday night group. I'm not really sure what brought us to it but we got to talking about the ways of God and frankly stuff that he does or has done that has disappoint us or pissed us off. I'm sure groups of Christians get together to do the same thing. Keep in mind we are all friends, and all believers and all honest. One of the guys starts sharing about what sparked his journey to the faith but then away from the faith. It was spoken in honesty and from the heart which I value more than any other attribute about a person. While talking he was honest about his disgust with God at times and even gave an hand gesture to mark the occasion in our minds forever. I couldn't help but chuckle at what people were seeing that might have been watching our group. But I couldn't help but be proud of our group being willing to be honest to each other and to God. You know I believe and I act as if God can handle my anger. He can handle me being upset with him and he can handle us forgetting that he is God in heaven and we are not or that we are the clay and he is the potter. But he is the God who allowed Jacob to wrestle him and win and the God that was willing to die on the cross for us so that we may live!

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