Monday, February 07, 2005


Driving: Heather and I went for a drive today. There are some foothills near our house and we enjoy the seclusion of the woods and the ability to get away such a short distance from our house. Both of us had the day off and so we went for a drive. The drive was nice, uneventful and gave us sometime to just talk and enjoy one another. I enjoy those times.

George: I have a dog, he's about a 14 pound jack russell terrier and he's the best dog in the world. He obeys better than most 8 year olds and he's good for a laugh and unconditional love. George listens really well and is well trained...lately when I let him out back he doesn't come back in when I call him. He knows it's muddy outside and I don't want to get my feet muddy so he just ignored me when I call him. Today he was out back ignoring me as usual and I picked up his air filled and kind of soft green ball. I yelled "George if you don't get in here I'm going to hit you in the head with this ball". He turned and glanced over the forty some foot spanse and just laughed. I thought I hear him mutter "you don't have the arm woman" but you can never be sure. So not wanting to throw out empty threats I gripped the ball firmly and gave it a nice line drive throw.

:it was at this exact time that the stars aligned, gravity reversed and God smiled down on me: As the ball left my hand I felt the magic, I believed in the power of positive thinking and I knew the throw was going to strike home. Sure enough just as George looked up and muttered oh %$^# (he has a foul mouth for a dog), the ball struck him right in the skull. It was simply amazing. I called George again, this time he came back in the house.

It's not every day something like that happens I mean throwing a soft ball sized ball at a baseball sized head at 40' and hiting my target, the gods were with me. Reminds me of the time in youth group growing up we were watching Tremors in the yg room and I said I hate this movie I'm turning off the tv and from 15' away I threw a gummie bear and hit the off button and the tv turned off.

What will tomorrow bring?

1 comment:

Tree said...


I am amused. Good stories, crazy luck.