Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Clay Cup

I received a free box of youth pastor goodies from our local Christians bookstore. I have connections there so they are always sure to reserve me a box, great people! In that box was a single of Caedmon's Call new album Share the well with the song Share the Well. I heard the song and enjoy it's Indian flavor. In that same box was a clay cup, about 4" tall and quite crudely made. I laughed to myself and wondered if they had given me the Holy Grail by accident.

A while later in the day I revisited the box and was reading the devotional guide that go along with some of the CD's. On the very last page was a devotional about the song Share the Well and it told of a society in India called the Dalit's. Dalit translates "broken in pieces" or "ground". In the caste system of India they are the lowest class, even lower than animals. They are not allowed pots or buckets to get water from the community wells and are instead forced to beg the higher castes for water. Often they are overlooked and ignored. When they are given water they are given it in a crudely made clay cup. The reason for the clay cup is so that it can be broken when the Dalit is done drinking so as not to contaminate anyone else.

You can read more about the Dalit's and clay cups HERE

the devotional thoughts in this post are derived from Youth Pastor Perks and I believe written by Mike Wilson.

1 comment:

jake said...

I hope you have the youth pastor goatee. It's essential for passing yourself as a youth pastor.